Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Yesterday after work, I met with Shannon for a phone chat about my website. Before we got on, I started stressing out about the "About" section, as I she had been gently coaxing me to try to have something prepared.  I have gone back and forth about Bio/no bio, Artist Statement/No artist statement, Cv-I do not have enough shows or professional experience to compose a proper Cv, etc.  What I do have is a number of years of making my way artistically which has not followed any traditional trajectory, but which has lead me to where I am, for better or worse.  So in the 15 minutes I had before our phone chat, it all kind of came out in a flurry, and I found myself pleasantly suprised.  I ended with a quote from the great David Foster Wallace, and another by Milan Kundera which addresses the slippery slope of art interpretation; my sneaky way of avoiding an artist statement.

In other news, one of my coworkers called me a "cunt" yesterday. I am having a very hard time shaking this off.  The day was sunny, and we had a great detail.  I grabbed the drawings and did my best to facilitate the work and be a supportive gang member.  Then at the end of the day, I grabbed an impact gun away from another guy not realizing how much he needed it, and so he called me a "cunt".  I am doing my best to blow it off, but I find that no matter what i am thinking about, this memory is lurking close to the surface.

At the end of the day, I received some tutelage on Instagram.  Apparently, my technique needed some tweaking.  Its a little overwhelming, but I know it will be lots of fun when I get the hang of it.

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