Thursday, February 22, 2007

A picture

I had planned on including a picture with each posting, but as no picture is available at the moment, i shall instead, include a small video clip from my brain.

The video clip is of me, sitting on the beach in Clearwater, Florida. The water swishes calmly, and i am smiling relaxedly while masticating a turkey and cheese sandwich.

I look like i am thinking about something, and the truth is, i am. I am thinking about Robert Moses, New York City Parks commisioner from 1928 to 1945--the mastermind behind New York City's vast freeway and parkway infrastructure, the great builder of bridges and mover of men...

I have been reading his biography, and marvelling about how much he accomplished in his life. I am contemplating my own state of sitting in front of the beach doing nothing, when surely there must be something more pressing that i could be attending to, some way to advance society, and I am chewing chewing chewing my sandwich. I am thinking about bridges swishing water and turkey and cheese, and then out of nowhere, a seagull swoops down with a loud screech, clutches my ear, my hair, and a bunch of my sandwich and flaps his wings spastically trying to leave with his swag. The only thing he really got was my sandwhich and some hair, which hampered his quick get away.  If I wasn't busy protecting my eyes, I could have grabbed him...

The old man sitting next to me looked over at me and said, lacksadaisically, "he wanted your sandwich."

1 comment:

i-make said...

that is one of the most intense biographies i have ever read! what an effective megalomaniac! required reading following the power broker is: The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs.

sounds like you are enjoying your travels, hope to see you when you return. donna