Monday, October 8, 2018


October 9....

    I started today in the bowels of LIRR just north of Grand Central.  Twenty-two flights of stairs down, and then up again at the end of the day.   Its dark, dusty, and cavernous.   The guys are great, and hopefully the company will keep me in spite of the unusual schedule.  Just a few weeks ago, I was nesting in the Observation deck at Hudson Yards, 1200 feet in the air, eagerly awaiting a change.  Fortunately, I  had a chance to say so-long to Johnny P.  Actually, I said, "see you down the road", because that is what we say to each other.  What a treasure of a human being. I will miss his wisdom and his warmth.

    Its odd processing these changes.  I work side by side with someone, day after day for more than two years, and then "poof".  In my Journey to Wakanda class, we learned about the Toureg, nomandic African tribes who customarily cover themselves in protective layers of indigo and in the shade of a tent from evil spirits during times of transition.  This resonates greatly with me, as this transitional time has left me vulnerable to strange feelings.

I had to get my hustle on to renew some licenses.  I took the suspended scaffold refresher class. I was so glad to see Gene M, who will always be the person who introduced me to 580 at the Freedom tower 7 years ago.  Johnny Rock is retiring, and I was thrilled to get some time catching up a little.  My gratitude to 580 is immense, as I would not be able to do what I am doing now without it.

Hudson yards was a wild ride, fraught with challenge.  I have to say, I had a great time. 

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