Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Corona

      Last night, I posted this image of the Corona virus, on Instagram.  My posting was a little tongue-in-cheek, and I thought better of it afterwards, for fear offending anyone who may see it as a mockery.  However, my experience so far, has been a creative boon, and there are others who share this sentiment.
     To create the image, I referenced the iPhone emoji for viruses, which I had been inadvertently using to decorate my messages.  I was attracted to it before the Corona Virus was even a twinkle in our eye.  In fact, I thought that it resembled none other, than a green twinkle - an erupting spark of life.  Despite various conspiracy theories and the highly disruptive tumult which the virus has caused, I see it as nature striving to cut a hole for itself, much like the weeds that grow out of the cracks in the sidewalk.  I cry along with people on the news at night who are losing jobs and loved ones, and the exhausted medical professionals who cannot hide their emotions while interviewed.  However, stories about lions and bears coming out out of their hiding spots to bask in the sun give me so much hope.


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