Monday, July 23, 2018

Great Idea



Friday night while wandering the city and intermittently running errands, I wandered into a ChaShaMa location and saw a very nice collage, which inspired this.  Also, I had a guest suggest that the total field collages I made in September of last year (see below) were too much to take in.  I forgot there was such thing.  To my sensibility, complex equals interesting.  Early inspirations include Hieroymous Bosch M.C, Escher, and H.R. Geiger, none of which are known for their frugality of content.  Granted, one can get lost in an image because there is a lot to look at, but one can also get lost in the elegance of pleasing composition.  I will call this "Great Idea".  

I wish time would slow down.  Maybe thats what I will wish for when I blow out my candles in September.  Funny to think that last year, I wished to get into graduate school.  Maybe there is something to this wishing thing...

Friday, July 13, 2018



      I worked this week mainly on this little collage that has been nagging me to make it into something worthy, or at the very least, bring it to some level of completion. Hasn't happened, and I am again faced with my limitations. So far, working small hasn't worked out. Also, I cannot figure out how to make the work reflect the textures, cracks, and streetlights that are its inspiration.  I was close, and now I am not.
      Owning a car again has given me wings, so I have been flying around, covering lots of ground, and soaking it all in. I suspect that graduate school, which starts at the end of August, is not going to create more time for me to make art.  It will give me a clean well-lit studio, fellowship with peers, and feedback from people who know things. But sadly, not more time.
     My job continues to inspire on many levels.  Piles of interesting materials abound:steamfitter's perforated flanges, BX cable laying in retriculated coils, flat wire the electricians use to feed electric wires through conduit, the spiral-shaped shavings from when the steamfitters thread their pipe.   And then there is the  pebbly texture of fire-proofing, the smoothness of styrofoam, the concrete pumping through tubes up to the floors where it will become the slab, and the cylinders of concrete that get cut out by the hole-saw.....
      The intense personalities of the people I work with, the physical challenge, and the unpredictable nature of  construction create days like rollercoasters.  I'd like to think I am storing all the excitement up in me like a battery to draw upon later..... when things calm down...

Stuff I am trying to finish.