Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr
I am reading this per Mary, who is teaching freshman "Critical Thinking" at University of Southern California. How brilliant that must be to foster conversation about important issues with young adults. My work continues to lead me down increasingly interesting paths; I am gaining an understanding of what Eto's "research" meant. I understand also why it was not clear at first. Its a personal quest that only I can shape.
I continue to have complicated feelings about the last article I read, per Mary. The Ecological Thought by Timothy Morton. He goes on about reinventing the word "ecology" by referencing Blade Runner and Wall-E. Supposedly it is a preface to a book about landscape painting, but it comes across as a grim white flag in the fight against saving nature. I would be lying, however, if I did not say that it made me think. A lot, about choice, fight, acceptance, outlook. It seemed to cast fateful surrender with a spiritual patina. Resignation.
Mark Triant, a hardcore Buddhist cyber gypsy I know through the venerable Deb Y., sent me a link for a free on-line course about the principles of Artificial Intelligence offered by The University of Helsinki (offered in English and Finnish). I am trying to say something about revolutions and how they do not all turn out so great. So more on that later!