Saturday, February 10, 2018

A Pox Upon This Week!

  I wish this blog was easier to format, but undoubtedly there is something obvious that I am missing.

I did this the other day.

More snippets of mediocrity that were inspired by stuff on walls. 

I worked today in the cold rain.  It was overcast, lonely, depressing, and I yelled at the hoist drivers.  It felt great, even though they are really cool guys. 

The Winter has been punishing.  I am exhausted from being cold, frustrated, exasperated, and ...did I mention cold?   Get my ass to work, get it home, get it washed and get it to bed.  Repeat.  Its all I can do to keep myself alive.  

I told my friend walking away from the job today that I am just going to sit and smoke cigarettes and drink beer on the 61st floor until a safety guy kicks me off the job.  Dropped a laser off the side of the building the other day. My partner looked down from the scissorlift and when he noticed it missing, he looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my day like nothing happened.  I was not a gift to the Ironworker world this week.

Didn't get into Hunter.  Completely unfazed by this. Was astonished by how little time I spent thinking about it.  But today, I felt the sting.  I will apply again next year, maybe in not-NY.  Haven't heard from Brooklyn College yet, but I don't really want to go there.  

I have spent countless irretrievable minutes on the phone with Epson trying to get my new piece of garbage printer to work, just to have it be in the end, no better.  Its Windows 10 fault, they said. 

I have an in grown toenail.  

I lost my favorite pen. 

Damn this week.  Glad its over.