Saturday, August 6, 2011

Its in the Morning

I drink coffee and contemplate the day ahead. I am having a wave of excitement knowing that the bulk of the weekend lays ahead, and that i will see some good friends, and be out in the world enjoying the pre-autumnal weather, with its bright sunlight and incipient crisp breezes.

On the way home from work yesterday (after exiting the gates with my usual Friday fervor) I stopped at Amish Market, the best little market ever, just to see if they may have the elusive ham bone of my dreams, which I have been seeking for months now for my split pea soup. The elfin man behind the meat counter, after my asking, faltered, and then reluctantly produced a big honkin bone for me repleat with pink meat, explaining that they use them for their own split pea soup, but he was giving it to me. Success! I went home and made, I have to admit, an admirable pot of soup.

Afterward, I was having an urge to take a walk and photograph the grafitti along South 5th that I see each morning that I ride my bike across the Williamsburg bridge. I was just going to text El to see if she may be available to join me, and was delighted to see that she had reached out just a few minutes before just to see what i was up to. So we set out along the bridge. Our travels took us to a sweet little park on the waterfront. The weather was perfect and the bench we sat on was rickety, making for adventurous sitting. We discussed the intricacies of bike-riding in NYC, and I am afraid its time for me to buy a helmet.